Help Center

Here are the most common and important questions that our clients ask us. Hopefully this will provide answers to your queries but if you do need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form.

Here's what our customers have asked

Our AI technology scans a client website in order to categorise all of the sites sections and based on our branded podcast suitability algorithm it recommends the sections that work best as a branded podcast. Within the UI a client will also have access to the full list of site sections so that if a client prefers they can select the site section themselves.

All on-boarding and setup questions and support is completely free. We are here to make our clients as successful as possible through an equitable sales model that give value to all parties.

Our AI technology is designed to select the relevant content sections and spot content elements that are not suitable for a podcast. In addition, we provide a client review and edit function so that clients can also tailor the content even more to the branded podcast experience.

 Of the highest quality as we use the latest neural and AI technology to create the voices that truly replicate human speech.

Our self-serve platform allows the user to edit, delete and pause both a podcast and specific podcast episodes.

We only sell in US Dollars to ensure our pricing is consistent and easy to understand across all markets.

We provide languages and voices for all the major countries and languages across the globe such as; English, French, Arabic, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, German, Italian. If you require another language please contact us at,

We focus on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and Amazon as this is where the majority of the audience are and they also provide the cleanest and safest environments for sharing a branded podcast. From here all of the remaining podcasts hosts can access the branded podcast once they have been approved by the hosts rigorous standards.

We typically recommend selecting content with at least 500 words and content that is of either general or specific interest to your customers such as articles, blogs, white papers, news, stories, etc. Currently our algorithm is setup not to recommend articles shorter than 500 words.

This is based on the site sections that the client finally selects. As the platform simply selects all of the articles in this section. Our UI then enables the client to review the articles listed and select the one’s they think are appropriate for the branded podcast.

It depends if your website is using AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) framework or SPA (single-page application). However, we can safely say there is no significant difference in performance.

Our audio player widget has the ability to be placed almost anywhere on the page. But we do recommend that it sits above the fold and nearby the article title and description as this makes for the best user experience.

A client can create and distribute a brand podcast in a matter of minutes. However, we recommend clients take some time to familiarise themselves with the platform and the branded podcasts produced by the platform to ensure they reflect and are consistent with a client’s brand values and messaging guidelines. In terms of distribution this is done in real-time, however, it can take 1 to 3 days for the podcasts hosts (iTunes, Spotify, Google, Amazon) to approve the podcast.

A – For the free service there is no commitment as it is always free and you can unsubscribe at any point. For the paid subscriptions there is a thirty days’ notice period once you have cancelled the service.

Yes, subject to the 30-day notice period.

We provide reporting through the client UI. A client can quickly and easily see how many people viewed and downloaded their branded podcast as well as the number of plays for the onsite audio player.

How can we help?

If you have any questions about our product, you can visit our FAQ page. Alternatively, you can fill out our enquiry form below and a member of our team will be in touch to help.

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